Saturday, September 14, 2019

There are costs beyond the sales price

If you are saving money to purchase a home and this you only need an amount equal to the down payment you might be surprised to know that you will need a little bit more than that.  But how much is enough.  Take a look at this article I found on our Texas Realtors online magazine site to get a better idea.  And of course, we would be glad to sit down with you and talk specific details, tailored to your needs and wants. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Texas state income tax ????????????

The language on the ballot of the upcoming election is totally confusing.  Will it result in Texas starting to collect a state income tax?

Texas does not have a state income tax which balances out our "higher than many states" property taxes.  But on November 5th there is something on the ballot that we voters need to read VERY CAREFULLY.  Have you read the way TX proposition 4 is written?  It's about a future state income tax and most people will quickly say HECK NO to taxes then vote NO for the proposition................but hang on a minute.  If you read the way it is worded you might want to vote YES.  I've been taught "let your YES be YES and your NO be NO".  Next month when I vote my YES will mean NO.  Watch the attached news clip from Channel 6 KRIS-TV in Corpus Christi.   Channel 6 KRIS-TV